Expensive #ThursdayChallenge

A chocolate fondue cake with a scoop of ice-cream is my version of ‘expensive‘.

As you dig your spoon into this, the warm chocolate oozes out. Then you quickly have to get it right on the spoon before it gets wasted on the plate. Remember, you won’t be able to lick your plate. Sitting in a restaurant could bring out a lot of manners in most people. Then you need to match your timing so that you can quickly grab some ice cream too before it melts. This process now needs to be repeated so that you can savour the flavors and make the most of the moment. The one of absolute delight. 

The cake is expensive cos it costs to eat that serving of heaven.

A lot. 

It can cost a lot of calories and nullify at least a week of thirty minute workout. 

An expensive cake..
An expensive cake..

This post is written for Thursday Challenge and today’s theme is Expensive. 

35 thoughts on “Expensive #ThursdayChallenge

  1. I never worked out. I do plan though 😀 I have learnt in process that it’s in my genes to like things that are never termed healthy 😀 That said, while you’re busy taking the yummy pic, mind if I dig in my spoon 😀


  2. I’m on vacation and my clothes are getting tight. The last few vacations, I held myself back from yummy desserts. This time I haven’t and I am paying the price. Why is it so easy to put on weight and so hard to lose it?


  3. “before it gets wasted on the plate” I love how you say it, Parul, Lol, I can just imagine someone being so surprised at the amount of chocolate oozing out that it goes all over the plate and they find it hard to scoop it all up 😀 I think I could finish all of that in under two minutes. I hope you enjoyed it 🙂


  4. Why do such delicious dishes come in so little amount? 😛 They just disappear in a poof as soon as the plate lands on the table. Loved your description Parul! It’s sad that you had to share the dessert. 😛


  5. Mahn, eating expensive chocolate desserts once in a while makes you feel happy and content for a really long time! 😀
    I guess almost everyone is going to ignore that workout line and go for the dessert plate instead! 😛


  6. A lot of calories and costly as well. But when there’s a craving for such a dessert, we all forget both those ‘C’s’ ;). Lol! And I loved the way you described the process of eating this dessert in a restaurant :D.


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