Outside my window #WordsMatter

Outside my window

I live in a small house in the heart of the city. Sun light and fresh air are ample and my twenty plus plants are happy. So are the two of us.

My balcony is my door to the world that’s outside our little home. It is home to many plants, a little black lizard who I don’t like and many hundreds of ants who frequent the railings. It’s small place but enough for us to happily coexist. Our laundry also finds a place there twice a week. So there is harmony.

There is also a small window in my kitchen. This one brings us fresh air and lets the kitchen aroma escape outside. I hope the aromas are enticing for people around who give me the credit for what I don’t do. Cooking.

Outside my window is the eastern sky. This window experiences changes during the seasons. Sometimes the Sun in the morning shines right through the window. I move around a bit here and there to hide. And there are days when I watch clouds taking over the Sun.

One thing that remains constant in my eastern sky and when I look outside this window at night is the Moon. It shows up at the right time when I am warming up food or clearing up the kitchen. The Moon makes me smile. It tells me that life is transient but beautiful.

During the day, the scene changes. Outside my window, I see school buses, street vendors and people like me pushing through their day. If there is chaos within, the window distracts and brings calm. When there is quiet inside, this window brings energy.

When VT drives back to home from work, this window gives me a heads up too.

Outside my window is a life that’s mine but still not mine. What’s outside your window?

I received this tag from Shalini at Kohl Eyed Me and it’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Ramya at Me Otherwise. There are 47 of us on this Blog Hop posting our stories and thoughts over 3 days – 2, 3, 4 August. Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and prepare to be surprised! Are you a blogger and visting the first time? Join Corinne, Shalini and yours truly for the second edition of #WordsMatter.

57 thoughts on “Outside my window #WordsMatter

  1. That was such a lovely glimpse into your home from the other side of the window. Your home sounds warm and cosy. Those few moments of peace in a busy day, when you can stand and look out of your window are a blessing.


  2. I cannot see the moon from my window, so I am tiny miny jeaolus that you can see both the Sun and moon from your window. I was happy to get a glimpse of your daily life through this post. The post made me for some reason enjoy a certain calmness.


  3. Such a lovely way to share with us the views through your window. I wish I had an outside facing window in my kitchen. It would make cooking much less boring for sure!


  4. The views outside your window sound interesting Parul. Sometimes I feel our social lives are limited to what we gaze upon through these windows. Greenery outside and nature unhindered definitely get a big thumbsup from me.


  5. Loved the last line “Outside my window is a life that’s mine but still not mine” — its so true. Having such beauty outside your window in city is blessing. I shifted to little far from city center and enjoying the greenery outside my window.


  6. Ah, I liked looking out of your window, Parul. Isn’t it wonderful to have a window to the outside world while being warm and comfortable inside?


  7. Enjoyed reading this perky little write up which flows freely and is writing from the heart – thanks for sharing whats outside your window. Yes its your life and yet not yours – what a lovely way to sum it up!!


  8. Such a heartwarming posts this is, Parul. I could actually imagine you standing by the kitchen window and looking at the moon. Because even I do that. Ah, so lovely!


  9. “Life is transient but beautiful”, this line stole my heart. So did ‘Outside my window is a life that’s mine but still not mine’
    I suppose every reader of this post would be able to see his /her reflection in these two lines.
    This also shows that you are a content person, Parul.


  10. An east facing window is a blessing. It surely brings out the world into your home and takes you outside into the world while all the while being fixed to where you are – gazing through the window.
    Now, why would you try to hide away from the sun peeping through your kitchen window?


  11. Your description of your home was filled with so much joy, that it made me realize how much you love it. I too have a relationship with the Moon – she evokes a lot of emotions within me. Stay blessed!


  12. Watching Moon from your window well it’s a lovely feeling, as if this friend visits daily to say hello.
    Glad the window gives you the energy by keeping you connected to that outside world.


  13. Outside my window is a life that’s mine but still not mine. That’s the irony you penned in one line. Loved reading the beautiful description.


  14. What a beautiful post this is, Parul! I felt that I was tight there with you and you were describing the whole scene to me in person. By the way, I would love to do that one day. 🙂 “Outside my window is a life that’s mine but still not mine.” What a soulful musing is that. ❤


  15. You have covered all the sightings ee can have living in the mid of the city. I remember the days when we used to stay in Hyderabad, when I see the pigeons, plants and children playing on the evening from our window.


  16. Our windows are like the messengers of the world, bringing to us news from the world around. Be it human stories, or stories of the nature, we are truly fortunate to have such messengers, isn’t it?


  17. it must be lovely to see the moon through the window. I always find looking at the moon very peaceful. I don’t get to see much life outside these days, so I actually miss people and crowd 🙂


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