The angry kitten

When we spotted her on little yellow stone, she looked alert and smart but not afraid. So we tried to befriend her and play with her.

Guess what?

She wasn’t interested in playing.

She did not try to run away from us when we approached her. Instead, she frowned and wanted us to go away.  I conceded to her choice but only after I captured her in action.

Angry Kitten
Angry Kitten

Today’s post is my #63 of Wordless Wednesdays and I am joining the hosts, Esha and Natasha

29 thoughts on “The angry kitten

  1. Beautiful capture Parul ! The picture says it all !! The angry kitten looked really annoyed ! How lucky ! I love these chance meetings ! Life is full of them .I guess there is a reason why some people or animals cross out path .


    1. This was a phone shot, Esha! The little one was so angry and restless that there was no point shooting with a camera. I just got as close to her as possible. 🙂 Thank you!


  2. Wow Parul what an incredible shot! She is quite a stunner I must say. Wish she wasn’t so “catty” but I guess beauty comes with a price. ;-))
    Thank you so much for linking up with Esha and me for #wordlesswednesday. Apologise for the late comment though.
    Great to have you with us. And yes I hope to do justice to #ThursdayTreeLove sometime soon. ❤


  3. Perhaps she had a bad experience from the human race and was in her defense mood, mine that’s ones I adopted from street spent weeks giving hisses and ferocious looks like your wonderfully badass kitten until they finally were able to trust that I wasn’t hurting them. Now I great treated to loud purrs – bliss! Thank you so much for this photo post 🙂 >3


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