#ThursdayTreeLove – 41

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” 
― Bernard M. Baruch

#ThursdayTreeLove – 41

This tree was so tall that it was visible from far off. I wanted to have a good look and click it but like you can imagine, I can be shy sometimes. VT guessed it and pulled over to let me click as much I as wanted. Funny as it may sound, this picture isn’t half as beautiful as the tree was but I loved my time with the tree and of course the gesture.

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on this blog hosted on 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The next edition will be live on June 28, 2018. If you would like to play along, post a picture of a tree on your blog and link it back to this post.

If you don’t see the pingback, please leave a link to your post in my comments section. I will link your posts on my blog in the next edition and spread some love. Let’s come together to appreciate the beautiful nature around us. 

Before you go, don’t forget to check the lovely trees shared on #ThursdayTreeLove – 40:

  1. Angela adds more color this week
  2. Archana shares the canon ball tree
  3. Esha shares the umbrella pines of Cape Town
  4. Alana’s horse chestnut tree
  5. A tree Vidya named Hugger
  6. Rupam shares a cover of green
  7. Sunita shares the beautiful Jacaranda tree and the blooms
  8. Pratikshya shares a reddish-orange crown from Bhubaneshwar
  9. Rajiv Bakshi Sir also sent a photo over Whatsapp. Sir, if you can publish on your blog, I will surely include 🙂

50 thoughts on “#ThursdayTreeLove – 41

  1. Oh, this is such a beauty, Parul. Impromptu captures can sometimes be the best shots especially while travelling. How sweet of VT to have read your thoughts that day…isn’t it amazing…these little gestures that make our bonds so special?


  2. Aw I loved the gesture. My sister and I have planned a road trip (sometime before we’re too old to travel) where we can stop wherever we want. Normally we’re with a bunch of people and although they probably wouldn’t mind, we shy off from asking them to stop, so I appreciate this gesture even more. I loved the tree and the peaceful backdrop.


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