Y for Y-Chromosome

Y Chromosome

Today, let me take you back to your school days and early biology classes. Remember the one on human anatomy and reproductive system? It’s okay if it’s too hard but a little ‘xy-xx’ for thought from those interesting classes. Each cell of a human body normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes of which 22 pairs are same for both males and females. The 23rd one is the sex determining chromosome pair and it is XX for females and XY for males.

An unfertilized egg, prior to conception carries an X chromosome and the sperm can carry either an X or Y chromosome. When the sperm and the egg come together forming the embryo, the gender of the baby comes down to this simple choice:

  • If the sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived.
  • If the sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, a boy will be conceived.

So, if daughters are born not one but many times and the parents are trying it out for one last time, who gives that Y chromosome? The father, right? So, how is the woman responsible for not being able to birth a male child? How the sheer pressure of not having a baby boy is thrown upon her? Isn’t it the male whose sperm carried the X chromosome(of course he too had no control) in the first place? But if people come and share their opinion about the woman, why can’t the man stand up and say, “it’s not our fault. It’s in the chromosome where both of us have no control.”

Only the one carrying the Y chromosome can pass it on to the baby and in my mind, this is so unfair to have the woman think all her life that she could not provide an heir to the family or carry forward the lineage of the family who accepted her as their DIL. (my words are almost verbatim cos that’s how I have heard women talking about themselves when after 3 attempts they had a baby boy. It was their responsibility to give the family a baby boy after 3 girls who would become the torch-bearer of the family name)

So, the next time you meet a woman who vents out her frustration in front of you for not being able to birth a boy-child, help her understand the basics of human biology. Would you?

The biological facts in this post are a result of very basic search. I did not study Biology after 10th standard. Experts, feel free to share your opinion if there notice something out of track!

I am blogging from A to Z during April (#402 on the list) and the theme I have chosen is set on women. Some of the posts will be here for you to know and some will be to reflect and accept. Share your thoughts and let me know how things are going. There is always a room for improvement.

32 thoughts on “Y for Y-Chromosome

  1. Interesting thoughts combined with stats! Its really a shame that women are credited for everything that is not going right for people around them but are never acknowledged for the happiness that they bring along.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If only people understand the truth.. sadly as you say the pressure to bear a boy has taken over our society so much and then the same boy kicks the parents out of the house. .

    And yes for sure next time I talk to a lady who is saying that I will surly explain her the biology …

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh its sad that people value a Boy baby higherthan a girl and crazy that they blame the woman! Great write up Parul! I have so enjoyed this theme of yours – very interesting reads:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t even know what to say for this topic,Parul. Such baseless accusations a woman is forced to deal with! People like you and me know the whats and whys of biology, at least this much to not point fingers at others and to protect ourselves from these sort of irrelevant blame games. But there is a huge number if women who just believe themselves as the culprit because they can’t birth a baby boy! Your posts are covering all sorts of myths and beliefs which need to be trashed at the earliest but still prevailing in our society with no shame!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I remember all the DD1 serials where this concept was taught… how a male is responsible for the gender of the baby. I loved those educating serials of DD1. If only the educated are sensible enough to follow and teach it. Yeah, you are right in asking – Why a man never stands up and say it’s my responsibility, not hers. And to a mother a child is a child. Yet why is it that a woman would judge and curse another woman is beyond me. Brilliant article.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Well said, even educated people blame the woman for bearing girl children. The doctors need to give a quick lesson in chromosomes to the expecting families at the clinics.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This gives a different meaning to way back in the olden/ancient days when men needed a son to pass their legacy down to. It was their fault if they didn’t get one! Imagine trying to tell them that back in those days…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That always amused me, the moment I learned about it… I knew I’d have an instant comeback, if anyone ever asked… but I’ve been lucky. No one is even expecting me to have children! (And they’re okay with that.)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah had been a long time since I had read your posts and many other lovely blogs which I missed out. So thought lets get it done all in one go :D.


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