35 life lessons at 35

Life is a box of red velvet cake. Enjoy till it lasts.

Yes, that day of the year which I eagerly wait for is here. I am happy that I am stepping into another year of life. The first year of the rest of my life. As I look forward to possibly the second half of my life, I want to share these lessons that will help me go on with life. 

Here are 35 lessons at 35.  

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Believe that you can.
  3. Dream. They come true.
  4. Let people have their space and you have yours.
  5. Do what you want to do.
  6. Don’t wait for others to say good things about you. Admire yourself.
  7. Make friends and root for them.
  8. Smile and make people smile.
  9. Take life easily. Nobody is anyways coming out alive.
  10. Agree to disagree.
  11. Not everyone can’t be kept happy and that’s okay.
  12. Things change and people too. 
  13. Move on.
  14. People will come and go. Don’t hold on.
  15. You have a choice to stay happy. Don’t wait for that big event in life. Celebrate small joys.
  16. Be grateful. The universe brings all back to you.
  17. Make memories.
  18. Click pictures cos years later they will narrate a story. they are the window to the time you can’t bring back.
  19. People will have opinions about you. Let them have.
  20. Ask yourself, Will this matter 5 years from now?
  21. Think before you speak. Little banters can hurt too.
  22. Work should make you happy. If not, change things.
  23. Give your work your best and you will get what you deserve. It may take time but it comes through. Eventually.
  24. Money is important but it shouldn’t be on top of the list.
  25. When things can go wrong, they won’t. Believe in the power of all will be well.
  26. Never leave home without a cup of tea and biscuits. You never know when will you get food next.
  27. Don’t take the task of improving the world on yourself. There are things that you can change and things you can’t. Accept the latter.
  28. Be a sponge. Absorb more. Absorb as much as you can.
  29. Talk with openness. What’s on the mind, should be conveyed through words. There is no other way about it.
  30. Laugh at yourself. The best form of exercise for those facial muscles.
  31. People have their own ways. You can only encourage them to think differently. You can’t make them think.
  32. Keep Learning. It should never stop.
  33. Appreciate little things that matter before they are taken for granted.
  34. Help others.It matters.
  35. Be kind. 

For day 24 of #NaBloPoMo, celebrate with me. 


50 thoughts on “35 life lessons at 35

  1. Every single lesson is an important reminder about the same thing: Be happy 🙂 And you’ve kept to the theme of your blog too in that. So glad to have met you on this journey, Parul. Happy birthday and may you keep being you, being happy and keep serving up reminders of this joy always.


  2. Happy Birthday Day Parul..lovely list and looks like I am reading my own thoughts as I got older, these are few things which I have started to firmly believe to keep myself happy… After kid and a well settled job, I thought life is pretty much accomplished.. But as you said dream, I feel our actual life starts in 30’s..
    Have a fabulous day…n that cake must have been lovely….


  3. Every single one of these lessons is so you, Parul. I have learnt a lot just from reading you. So, happy birthday, Parul. And I hope your journey gets more and more exciting and enriching.


  4. Parul, I believe each and every word that you’ve shared here, as I know you’ve lived them all before you shared them with us. It is a pleasure to have connected with you. Stay happy, stay radiant and keep spreading the cheer. We need more people like you to make this word a better place:)


  5. Each one of these 35 life lessons is something we all need to remember throughout our lives, Parul!
    Glad you shared these with us all, It so happens that we all need to be reminded of these every once in a while, and I had forgotten some of these. Thank you for this lovely post. Thank you for the life lessons!
    May you have a fabulous year ahead! ❤ God bless you, my dear! 🙂


  6. All the thirty five lessons you have shared are great life lessons to live a life that’s full of happiness and contentment. Wishing you the very best as you celebrate your birthday. Keep rocking and keep smiling! Cjeers!


  7. Hey belated happy birthday . I didnt wish you on other social media channels as I knew I will be visiting the blog soon. Liked the list and lists like these are needed from time to time so that we dont forget what makes us actually happy instead of running after elusive things. Once again happy birthday


  8. Such an inspiring one again, Parul. I need to remind myself with many of these lessons on a daily basis. Wishing you a healthy and happy life. And a belated Happy Birthday 🙂


  9. Wow- you have learned far more than I had by the time I reached 35 (many moons ago). I suspect your next 35 will be even more fruitful.


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